Meet the Band!

Hello there Lazy Summer Heads! As we prepare for our July 1st show at the Lion’s Lair on Colfax Ave (Denver, Colorado), I thought it would be a good time to introduce the band or at least tell you about these guys from my perspective. Besides, we took a couple of band pics by some amazing graffiti. What band doesn’t do that??

Here we are: Lazy Summer Home in all of its glory. From left to right you have me (Richie Buchborn), Ryan Dillow, Joe Bob Pierce, Taner Clark, and Jack Henderson.

Jack Henderson, Guitar & Vocals. Jack is the true founder of the band. One time he told me that he had a great time at a show and decided to pick up a guitar and try his hand at performing. I’m not sure how he decided on a Grateful Dead cover band, but his creative rhythm guitar is definitely rooted with a Bob Weir influence. The band name is also in reference to a Dead tune, funny because he thinks it’s pretty obvious which one. I on the other hand think that as we play to more and more of a variety of audiences, most people won’t have a clue. Jackie came from New Jersey to Boulder, CO for school. He’s also quite the song writer. Baboon Caboose, and A Real Bummer (of a Song) are my favorite, but I think he’s done a fine job with all of them. I should mention he’s the youngest and sexiest of the bunch. The rest of us old fogeys have completely enjoyed watching him become his own musician as we introduce him to our many heroes to include Phish, Zeppelin, Blind Melon… (Joe Bob could add a few hundred more, lol).

Ryan Dillow, Guitar & Vocals. Starting a few shows on Bass for LSH, Dillow is our lead guitar. He’s also our calm, calculated leader in terms of our musical growth and progression. He and Joe Bob have the most experience playing our type of music, which really ranges across all genres. Dillow and Joe Bob both hail from East Texas and have known each other for years. He hosts our jam sessions and since I’ve been playing with him for over a year now, my musicality and my drive has increased tenfold. Dillow is one of the pure souls and is truly in it for the sake of creating good music. I think what really makes him special is that he has a sort of omnipresent view of the band when we’re performing. He’s playing and singing while at the same time, watching from the corner of the ceiling. My goal for this guy is to get to the point where he trusts the band enough to really extend the music and challenge himself. What the hell would happen?! He also has a secret button he presses during shows that ups his lead guitar game in a live show setting.

Taner Clark, Drums & Percussion. Taner is the silent loner type of the group and joined the band when Joe Bob did. Maybe he’s the dark and mysterious sexy one (watch out Jack). Taner is our Colorado native. You can throw any song, any complex beat at him, and he’ll pop it out somehow. He’s also very creative when it comes to choosing his lines and his rhythms for our original songs. Lately, you can tell the band has a hold of him because he’s been coming to shows fired up and eager to get in the throne. Now when I say Taner is the loner, I think he’s really just the quiet one; not afraid of silently observing and taking it all in. Yet at the same time, like all individuals that walk the Earth, I think he needs people too, which makes the time we share in music that much more unique and special. He’s a master on the snare, which almost makes me want to see him add a few toms to his rack. He has a knack for history and does a few impressions with famous speeches too. You can find Taner giving lessons all over Denver and you may have passed him and his kit busking on 16th Street mall.

Joe Bob Pierce, Bass & Vocals. The man known as Joe Bob has his own American dialect. Evident in any conversation and also translates to his text message style. Listed as our Bass man, he’s really a true musician with the capability to command many instruments. He’s a composer and has produced multi-track takes of some of our harder material just so we can work on our parts at home. He’s dedicated to his craft and frequently sends me music as I continue my own growth at keys. As I mentioned, he and Dillow have been friends for so long. I think this key fact is how we as a band already seem like we’re tighter than most bands that played years longer than Lazy Summer Home. Earlier today, I let him know that he’s always so consistent and a great musician; I don’t think we appreciate it enough. well, we do appreciate it… it’s just that we should probably tell him more. Whenever I feel lost in a jam, I look to Joe Bob and watch him dance around the fretboard so I can study the current key we’re in. His drive is inspiring for me. Stay tuned for some Joe Bob original material, he’s been in the lab rocking out some mean arrangements and we’re stoked to get working on it.

Richie Allen Buchborn, piano &vocals. If you’ve followed this blog, you probably already know enough about me. I was the third guitarist for my first LSH show, but how do I get to continue to play with these guys and expand our musical journey? Oh! I know, take up the keys. I mean most of my guitar lines at that first show came from keyboard players in the bands we covered. I’ve wanted to take on piano since my college days. I’m a Philly boy, born and bred; a Colorado kid for the past 20 years. Always more of a songwriter than a true guitarist. It has been a blast joining this band and I’m learning more now than I have in a long time. Simply put, I love music, I love to write, and I love to jam. Somehow, I have found a group of friends that all share the desire for continuous growth and evolution in music. I want to challenge our dynamics more and I feel like Lazy Summer Home has something special to share. We’re not just another Jam band cover group. Each one of us is constantly tweaking our musicianship and I am excited to see what we’re going to accomplish.

That’s the band as it stands today. Here’s a taste of our latest growth:

Come hang out with us on July 1st at the Lion’s Lair and enjoy the music!

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